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Magnus Loki Rides Kosta Viking

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Magnus Loki is a powerful businessman by day, commanding respect in every boardroom. But in his personal life, he prefers a more submissive role in his romantic relationships. Needing a partner to accompany him to important business functions, he decides to hire an escort. Magnus calls Kosta Viking, a handsome and confident man, to interview for the role. The meeting is very hands-on, though, because Magnus requires sexual attention after every event they attend. He wants the full boyfriend experience. It’s rare Kosta gets a client as handsome as Magnus, so he gives him a free test-drive in bed completely on the house!

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Magnus Loki Rides Kosta Viking
Magnus Loki Rides Kosta Viking
Magnus Loki Rides Kosta Viking
Magnus Loki Rides Kosta Viking
Magnus Loki Rides Kosta Viking
Magnus Loki Rides Kosta Viking
Magnus Loki Rides Kosta Viking
Magnus Loki Rides Kosta Viking
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